The Treasure of Esperanza : A Letter from Pastor Annemarie

Dear People of Hope,

As I write this letter, the cool air of an autumn desert morning is coming in the open door of the church office along with the laughter of our Children of Hope Preschool children and their teachers on the playground. Soon people will be arriving to knit and crochet prayer shawls and baby items for those in need of a warm touch of God’s love. Our Garden of Hope in the Heart of Esperanza is growing. What a wonderful moment to be here at Esperanza!

It is beautiful because the deeper and wider beauty of Esperanza is alive and well wherever you are. As the old song goes, “The church is not a building, the church is not a steeple, the church is not a resting place, the church is the people!”

The beauty of Esperanza is you: whether gathered together in worship in-person or online, or on the church campus for education or service, or sent out by the Holy Spirit into your individual everyday places of home, workplace, school, or places of volunteering—you live out Christ’s hope and peace in your daily actions and presence in the world. The chorus of that old church song is a perfect reminder for children and adults alike: “I am the church. You are the church. We are the church together. All of God’s people, all around the world—yes, we’re the church together!”

Thank you for your monetary gifts this quarter. They allow Esperanza to be a strong church congregation where God’s Word of Hope is made known through inspiring worship and music, education and honest faith conversations, the dedicated service work we do together in and for the community, the warm welcome we extend to all. Your financial support allows us to be the church together.

In addition to your quarterly statement, you’ll find included in this letter answers to some Frequently Asked Questions about making a financial pledge for the 2022 calendar year. At the Hope Grows Here page on our website you’ll find a helpful step-up chart for giving and a growing number of videos celebrating Esperanza’s ministry. Join me in making a financial pledge for 2022. When you pledge, you make ministry happen, ensuring that hope will continue to grow here.

Thank you again for your gifts and, most especially, thank you for being part of this People of Hope, the community of Esperanza Lutheran Church.

God’s peace to you this day,

Pastor Annemarie