Adult Education

Adults have a variety of learning opportunities including Sunday Bible discussion between services, Thursday Matters every Thursday morning with studies ranging from books, video based discussion groups to more traditional bible studies and Thursday evening Women’s bible study in person in the Esperanza Fellowship Hall.

Past – 2023: Journeying through the New Testament – Click Here for More Information and the Click Here for the Master Reading List.

Sunday Adult Bible Discussion

Join the community for a peer led group discussion Bible verses and life topics between services beginning at 10:30 a.m. just after Sunday Service then fellowship and concluding at 11:00 a.m.

Thursday Matters – A Journey in Faith

Thursday Matters – A Journey in Faith has been a small group ministry of Esperanza since our founding. From 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Thursdays, this group gets together to discuss the scripture readings for the coming Sunday, Books of the Bible, Theological issues and other topics of concern through a Christian lens. Our pastor provides leadership and knowledge, and the conversation often takes an interesting direction. Many deep friendships have been formed and nurtured on Thursday mornings.

If you’d like more information or have any questions, please contact Jim Gisselquist, at [email protected].

Thursday Evening In Person Women’s Bible Study

The Thursday Evening Women’s Bible Study meets in person weekly except during the summer season. The group meets in the Fellowship Hall every Thursday evening.  The group members wear masks and maintain social distance according to the COVID-19 policy of the church.

Bible studies are drawn from Gather, the magazine of Women of the ELCA. The first study is called “Plenty Good Room,” about welcoming everyone, based on the book of the same name by Marilyn E. Thornton and Lewis V. Baldwin. The second study, called “Just Love,” is about living with uncertainty when the ordinary disappears. Each study begins with scripture to discuss things we encounter in our daily lives.

For more information, contact Cindy Gerrish, group leader, at [email protected].