When we wait, we usually aren’t happy about it. I remember when I was a kid growing up, waiting was the hardest thing – especially when I was stuck at church with my parents, and I was ready to go …
When we wait, we usually aren’t happy about it. I remember when I was a kid growing up, waiting was the hardest thing – especially when I was stuck at church with my parents, and I was ready to go …
I have a theory about our gospel reading today. Because sometimes I think the hosts of the wedding at Cana get a little bit of a bad rap, I thought maybe somebody should come to their defense. After all, whenever …
Throughout scripture, there are certain moments that I call “goosebump moments.” They’re those places where the imagery used is so powerful – the language so descriptive – that when recited well, the listener can almost find themselves witnessing these events …
I have to be honest, at first I think it’s hard to see the “good news” that is being proclaimed by John in our gospel today. And I think it’s partly because John is so direct about how he addresses …
I usually don’t start my sermons with a disclaimer, but every now and again it’s worth it. This Sunday is Christ the King Sunday. It’s where as a community and as leaders in the church we’re challenged to examine our …
Sometimes I think it’s important to remind ourselves that when we read scripture, we’re reading it not just as if Jesus were speaking to those present in those moments that are being recorded, but he’s also speaking to those first …
I have to be honest, when I read this gospel text today, I have this image in my head of Jesus and his followers sitting on a bench mere feet from the collection box. And as each person comes forward …
Lazarus was dead. There was nothing that could change that. Lazarus was dead, and though Mary had seen Jesus do amazing works over the course of his ministry, he did not come in time to save Lazarus. It was too …
I’m going to give you all a quick test of Bible knowledge this morning. Confirmation kids, you’re off the hook, because we’re going to cover this next session. Who were the people who were enslaved in Egypt when Moses was …
Quick show of hands – who among us have ever had that moment where you’re making a purchase of some sort, and there’s been a legal contract drawn up, such as when you take out a loan for a new …
This gospel message that we hear today is not for the faint of heart. It’s discomforting, to say the least. Because this is one of those texts where we realize how important it is to take the Bible seriously, but …
You never have to go far to find somebody in need. It’s something that Jesus knew intimately, as he tried without success to avoid notice in our scripture reading today. It’s also something that we’re reminded of every day. Check …