
Welcome to Stewardship!  Our Stewardship Team is excited to have a presence on the Esperanza website.  Watch for updates, mailings, video impact stories and more from members of our congregation.  Esperanza’s Intent Sunday – Sunday, November 12, 2023.   

2023/2024 Stewardship May Congregation Report

For the most recent Stewardship Appeal document please Click Here

Each Title Below – Click for Document

November 6th, 2023 – Making Your Financial Intent Letter

Stewardship Brochure 2023

November 5th, 2023 – Strengthening our Service

October 29, 2023 – Ensuring our Excellence Bulletin Insert

October 22, 2023 – Ensuring our Future Bulletin Insert

October 16, 2023 Letter 

Each Intention Below – Click for Form 

To Indicate Your 2024 Financial Giving Intention Click Here

To Indicate Your 2024 Time & Talent Intention Click Here

To contact our Financial Secretary Jane Gisselquist you can email Jane at [email protected]

2022/2023 Stewardship Program: 

Building a Culture of Generosity 

Generosity is All Around Us

Recognize Your Need to Give

Seek in Prayer God’s Guidance for your giving

Place God First In Your Budgeting and Spending

Decide to Give Sacrificially

Make Your Intent of Time, Talent & Treasure (Pledge)

Donate Now! 

A Case for Electronic Giving

Supporting the Church Through e-giving

How to Set Up e-giving

Visit our 2021 Hope Grows Here Stewardship Program