Esperanza Staff

To contact our staff & leadership please call or email the Esperanza Office at 480-759-1515 or email [email protected] and you can find individual contact information below.  


Pastor – Rev. Christopher (Chris) Heller, [email protected]

Deacon Connie Rose-Kamprath | Family Ministry Coordinator, Children of Hope Teacher [email protected]

Lynn Hockenberger | Children of Hope Preschool Director, [email protected]

Joni Thorpe | Parish Administrator, [email protected], 480-759-1515

OPEN POSITION | Director, Promesa de Esperanza Adult Choir – Contact [email protected] if you are interested in applying

Lai Ma Gates, Accompanist

Jane Gisselquist, Financial Secretary (volunteer), [email protected]

Doug Carroll, Writer, [email protected], 480-213-0599

Michael Paradise, Words of Hope Editor (volunteer), [email protected]

For a list of our Congregational Council, Committees and Teams Click Here