Garden of Eatin’ Application Form Your name Your address Your phone number Your e-mail Name of bed to rent Starting date We will send out an email and/or post a Facebook event when volunteer activities are scheduled. Bed rental is Sep 1-Aug 31: $100 (full year, two planting seasons) For rentals starting in Dec or later, the pro-rata fee is $10 per month, always ending in Aug. So, Dec-Aug is $90, Jan-Aug is $80, Feb-Aug is $70, Mar-Aug is $60, etc. Please submit a check payable to “Esperanza Lutheran Church” with “Garden of Eatin’” in the memo line to a garden board member or the church office with this form, which will be e-mailed to you. Please print, sign and date it. If you give the form directly to the church office, please also inform a board member that you’ve done so. I have read and understand the gardener guidelines and agree to abide by them. Further, I agree to hold harmless Garden of Eatin’ Community Garden, Esperanza Lutheran Church, its employees and volunteers from claims or liability related to any injury or accident that may occur. I agree to the above terms. This form uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your data is processed.Δ Share this:TwitterMastodonFacebookEmailPrint