Each week during Lent a member of our congregation has looked at a piece of religious art and shared some thoughts. On this Maundy Thursday, Alice Schultze examines Dali’s famous painting, ending with a poem. By Alice Schultze This is …
Each week during Lent a member of our congregation has looked at a piece of religious art and shared some thoughts. On this Maundy Thursday, Alice Schultze examines Dali’s famous painting, ending with a poem. By Alice Schultze This is …
The text for this Palm Sunday morning is Matthew 21: 1-17 Let us worship together as we learn from Pastor Carol’s sermon and approach our Lord in prayer.
Robert Elsaesser prepared this presentation for our April 1 Lenten worship service, cancelled due to the public health emergency. Please listen to the recordings (boldface links) in order. Click on the boldface link first, then click back to the main …
The grief and stress of this COVID-19 pandemic is exhausting. Healthcare workers around the world are wearing themselves out doing everything they can with what they have to work with. But even those of us not on the front lines …
Dear Esperanza friends, For this week’s Lenten Midweek meditation, I thought I’d offer this meditation on what Jesus said are the two greatest commandments: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27). …
Readings for this Sunday, March 22, include the prophet Samuel anointing David to be the second king of Israel (1 Samuel 16:1-13), the well-known “The Lord is my shepherd” psalm (Psalm 23), a passage from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians …
Dear Esperanza friends, It’s our usual day for Lenten Midweek worship. Though we can’t be together, I invite you to pray with me, read a meditation, and listen to Holden Evening Prayer. Let’s pray together: Holy Spirit, you draw us …
Happy Sunday, everyone. Here are some thoughts on one of today’s Scripture readings… The New Testament reading assigned for today, the third Sunday in Lent, is definitely timely. Here’s the first part of it, from Romans: “Therefore, since we are …
Rodney Stark’s 1996 book The Rise of Christianity shows how the early church made a strong impression on the people around them by the willingness of Christians to stick around and care for the sick when the plague came to …
I’ve been reading 1 John and finding no place to hide. The author writes to a Christian community with this straightforward declaration, one of many like it: Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who …
Please excuse me if I use my space this week to plug an app. I just want to make sure people have heard of the YouVersion Bible app. This app offers an apparently limitless number of reading plans to help …
Hello, Esperanza Lutheran Church! I’m excited to be beginning my ministry with you as your interim pastor. In case you’re not familiar with that term, an interim pastor takes on all the responsibilities of a “regular” pastor and also supports …