Now What? Ministry Involves More Than ‘Next Big Thing’

A person standing posing for the cameraIf you attend worship with us regularly – either in person or online – you’re going to be hearing “Now what?” a lot over the next several weeks. And it’s amazing news that we have the blessing to share every year: Christ is alive and has defeated the power of death, giving us all the gift of eternal life. But every year, as the Easter alleluias begin to wane, I get the sense we’re all asking, “Now what?”

For pastors and other leaders in the congregation, the “now what” often involves getting ready for the next big thing – the next big festival, the next big event or program opportunity, or maybe the next sermon series down the line. That means as I and other worship planning leaders begin to look toward Pentecost, our youth and children’s ministry program is looking toward the end of the program year and Vacation Bible School (May 28-30 this year). And you never know when your new pastor might try out some new material on an unsuspecting congregation and create a Summer Sermon Series to keep up engagement in the hot summer months. But because we’re all programmed to look ahead to the next thing, we might be missing out on what’s happening right here and right now.

Over the past couple of weeks, incredibly important ministry has continued to happen. Over the course of Holy Week, members of Esperanza came together to support iHelp by providing a meal to local homeless people at Desert Cross Lutheran Church in Tempe. In the midst of a rainy Easter, we gathered together in community to celebrate, and hosted a wonderful pancake breakfast as well as a joyous egg hunt, both open to the entire community. And this past Saturday, we came together to be community with those who participate in our community garden program.

These are things that are happening right here and now. There are ministries that I’m only beginning to learn about that keep this community active and thriving that happen all year long. People in poor health are visited or given rides. Habitat for Humanity – comprised in part of members of Esperanza and other Lutheran congregations in the Valley – builds homes for deserving families that just need a little help. And even our younger members participate in supporting these things.

So I’m reminded in this season, as we look ahead to what’s coming next, we can’t lose sight of what’s happening right in front of us. Because the ministry of the church isn’t just in what’s to come, it’s also in what is happening in and among us right now. So thank you all for the ways you’re doing the work right now, and as we look to what’s next, know that what we do now helps us get to what’s next. And in all these things, God’s Holy Spirit gifts us with joy and hope for all that is before us, and all that is to come.

Pastor Chris