
Upcoming Worship Services & Events at Esperanza – Click, Print and Post!

Don’t be the last to know on what’s going on at Esperanza and our Community engagement & events! Keep up to date on all ministries, events and outside organizations visiting and using our campus, through our online calendar.  Click Links Below (underlined titles to go to post for more information).

All are Welcome!

Important Upcoming Event Dates & Registrations

Wednesday, July 31st, 2024 – Grace Lutheran Church Sack Lunches – 8:30am – 9:30am

August 3, 2024 – Green Team Clean Up Morning – 5:30am – 9:00am (focus on courtyard and preschool)

Wednesday, August 7th, 2024 – Grace Lutheran Church Sack Lunches – 8:30am – 9:30am

Wednesday, August 7 & Thursday, August 8th – Children of Hope Preschool First Days of School – Click Here for COH Calendar

Sunday, August 11, 2024 – Serving Pancakes at Grace Lutheran 6:30am – Includes Confirmation & Sunday School Students 

Saturday, September 7, 2024 at 7:00am – Adopt a Street Clean Up – Outreach Team

September 24th Our Next I-HELP Volunteer Opportunity – Sign Up in July

35th Anniversary – Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sunday School Schedule: 

• Stay tuned in August for Fall Sunday School Schedule

Online Calendar Link: 

If you are not currently subscribed do so here: Words of Hope Newsletter

Print this page for easy reference!

Esperanza Fall Council Meetings: 

July – Tuesday, July 9th / 7:00 PM

August – Tuesday, August 13th / 7:00 PM

September – Tuesday, September 24th / 7:00 PM
(This will be the 4th Tuesday of the month)

October – Tuesday, October 22nd / 7:00 PM
(This will also be the 4th Tuesday of the month)

November – Tuesday, November 19th / 7:00 PM

December – Tuesday, December 17th / 7:00 PM