Hunger Ministry: Partnering on breakfast for homeless

Every Sunday, Grace Lutheran Church in downtown Phoenix hosts a pancake breakfast for the homeless. On May 1, Esperanza will partner to prepare and serve the breakfast.

The key details:

  1. We will need 12 to 15 volunteers.
  2. We prefer to have a mix of youth (12 and older) and adult volunteers, but at least half of our volunteers must be 18 or older.
  3. Volunteers must be onsite at Grace Lutheran from 6:30 a.m. to approximately 8:30 a.m. to prepare and serve pancakes and sausage, and then clean up.
  4. A liaison from Grace Lutheran will be in attendance to provide guidance.
  5. Be prepared to serve 200 to 300 people.
  6. Grace Lutheran will provide the food supplies and equipment.
  7. Volunteers are invited to attend Grace Lutheran’s 8:30 a.m. church service.
  8. We will arrange for carpooling for those interested.
  9. If more than 15 volunteer, we will explore participating in a second pancake breakfast with Grace Lutheran.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Larry or Peggy Hanson, or contact the church office by phone or email at [email protected] There also will be a sign-up sheet in the Narthex.

We must provide a $250 donation to Grace Lutheran to help cover the cost of breakfast supplies. If you can provide a small donation, please place it in a plain envelope labelled “Hunger Ministry” with your name on it and place the envelop in the offering or deliver to the church office.

Visit the recording of the March 20th Hunger Talk by Solveig Muus at Esperanza Lutheran Church.  Solveig is the Director of the Lutheran Advocacy Ministry of Arizona, a ministry of the ELCA Grand Canyon Synod.
Questions? Please contact Peggy or Larry.