Morning Walk Into the deepening desert I walk a path alone, Stumbling Over briars and thorns. My heart reaches out To the Lord. “Sister,” he says, As we travel a winding road, “My life hasn’t been A bed of roses.” …
Morning Walk Into the deepening desert I walk a path alone, Stumbling Over briars and thorns. My heart reaches out To the Lord. “Sister,” he says, As we travel a winding road, “My life hasn’t been A bed of roses.” …
Worship with us on the Great Three Days of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Vigil of Easter by logging onto our YouTube channel or accessing from our worship page. There is one worship bulletin for the Three Days which …
Maundy Thursday We are dark with despair and even the white Space between words has Turned grey. Only yesterday, The Lord our King rode into Jerusalem And the people fell to their knees, Blessed. Jerusalem was blessed. We ran We …
Heavens (Mark 10:32-45) Hearing my beloved Predict his own death took my Breath away. It was so unfair, Unjust, I wanted to scream. I loved him! How could his words be true, and If they were, I didn’t want …
Next week is Holy Week! This Sunday we gather in outdoor worship for Palm Sunday and on April 4 we gather outdoors for Easter Sunday. And in between we celebrate the “Triduum”: The Great Three Days of Maundy Thursday, Good …
While we have adapted worship for the home for each of the Three Days, Maundy Thursday deserves special note. We’ve designed worship to happen around your evening meal. When Jesus gathered the disciples at the Last Supper, they did not …
A man on my block tried to take his own life. He was miserable and alone and Inside himself he was Howling, Chained up from within. Cast out into a wilderness, Internal, External, He suffered and his neighbors Never …
How wonderful it is to be part of Esperanza Lutheran Church! I’m so glad to be here with you as we follow Jesus on the road together. We often think of this season of Lent that we’re in as a …
Mats (Mark 2: 1-12) We took a chance the four of us Lowering our friend down Through the roof. What if Jesus became angry, Or the crowd, Shocked by our sudden presence in their midst, Shooed us away. But our …
Esperanza’s tradition during Lent is worship on Wednesday evenings, preceded by a soup and salad supper. The current public health emergency prevents us from gathering in the Fellowship Hall before Holden Evening Prayer. But we can carry on in our …
“Rest eternal grant him, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon him.” We pray for the family of Louis J. Kole, who passed away on Friday, February 26. Lou and his wife Virginia have been members since 2003. Their …
MOUNTAINS (Mark 9: 2-8) Climbing the mountain they Stumbled, reached out To one another, Walked on speaking of the cloudless blue sky, The crowds below, Their pleasure of being with Jesus, Who ascended slowly, Head bowed, Pensive. And when …