Easter Sunday Prayer of the Day O God, you gave your only Son to suffer death on the cross for our redemption, and by his glorious resurrection you delivered us from the power of death. Make us die every day …
Easter Sunday Prayer of the Day O God, you gave your only Son to suffer death on the cross for our redemption, and by his glorious resurrection you delivered us from the power of death. Make us die every day …
Prayer of the Day Everlasting God, in your endless love for the human race you sent our Lord Jesus Christ to take on our nature and to suffer death on the cross. In your mercy enable us to share in …
People of Hope: While serving at Grace Lutheran Church in downtown Phoenix, I regularly mediated both verbal and physical conflict. When fistfights erupted in Hope Hall, the fellowship hall, usually, one person would flee, the other remain. The person who …
On Good Friday, April 7th from 7 am to 6 pm (except 12 pm – 1 pm), Mountain View Lutheran Church will present “The Way of the Cross.” The Way of the Cross is a self-guided time of meditation and …
People of Hope: Holy Week is approaching! The first full week of April, we gather on Maundy Thursday at 7 pm, Good Friday at 7 pm, and for Easter Vigil on Saturday at 7 pm before we burst into joyous …
Prayer of the Day Almighty God, your Son came into the world to free us all from sin and death. Breathe upon us the power of your Spirit, that we may raised to new life in Christ and serve you …
People of Hope: Did you know that ELCA Lutherans live and minister alongside members of 80 companion churches around the world? All of these companion church bodies are Lutheran and scattered across Central, South, and North America, Africa, Asia, Europe, …
As a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), a portion of the offering Esperanza receives each Sunday goes to the ministry of our synod, the Grand Canyon Synod. And a large portion—about 50%–of the offerings that the …
Prayer of the Day Bend your ear to our prayers, Lord Christ, and come among us. By your gracious life and death for us, bring light into the darkness of our hearts, and anoint us with your Spirit, for you …
People of Hope: Next Tuesday, March 14, Phoenix residents living in City Council Districts 6 and 8 will have the opportunity to vote in a runoff council election. Many in the Esperanza community live in District 6, and if you …
Prayer of the Day Merciful God, the fountain of living water, you quench our thirst and wash away our sin. Give us this water always. Bring us to drink from the well that flows with the beauty of your truth …
People of Hope: During this season of Lent, we gather around the theme “Holy Spirit on the Move” because the Holy Spirit is on the move …among us. Maybe you’re not as skeptical or cynical as I am, but especially …