Guiding Principles for Esperanza Lutheran Church

During February and March, transition team members facilitated seven “mission gatherings” where we asked questions and listened to your answers about, for instance, what you believe God is calling Esperanza to do or be. We spoke with and listened to you after worship two Sundays, at Thursday Matters and Mary’s Circle, at Sunday Funday and with Children of Hope parents and teachers, and at one happy hour gathering. With the exception of the Sunday Funday mission gathering, all were welcome at all gatherings. In addition, just prior to the mid-week Lenten worship services, we did centering prayer followed by sharing in response to one of the mission gathering questions.

By collating your responses to these questions and of course spending time in prayer ourselves, the transition team has crafted three guiding principles for Esperanza Lutheran Church.

1. We set our goals guided by God.
2. We welcome all and respect diverse opinions.
3. We deepen our spirituality and put our faith in motion.

If approved by the congregation, these principles will be our guide as we make decisions as a congregation. For instance, in initially presenting these guiding principles to the council, we received well-intentioned critical feedback that led us to modify one of these principles, for, as stated: We welcome all and respect diverse opinions. When we are guided by our guiding principles, we maintain our integrity as a congregation—for these are our values.

Soon, the transition team will be crafting a mission statement, also utilizing the responses from the mission gatherings. Both the mission statement and the guiding principles will come before the congregation for approval at our congregational meeting in May.

If you have immediate questions about these guiding principles, transition team members include Michelle Tinsley, Liz Farquar, Paul Beeks, Paul Wagner, and Pastor Sarah.