Ahwatukee’s annual Easter parade is fast approaching! Esperanza will have a spot in the parade, which is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. Saturday, April 19th, near Warner Road and 48th Street. Volunteers are needed at that location at 9 …
Ahwatukee’s annual Easter parade is fast approaching! Esperanza will have a spot in the parade, which is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. Saturday, April 19th, near Warner Road and 48th Street. Volunteers are needed at that location at 9 …
The Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA and its member churches are invited to participate in the 40-40-40 Lenten Challenge. One hundred percent of the donations (Practice #4) will be directed to the Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission drinking water project. …
Esperanza is looking for 12 to 15 volunteers to prepare and serve a pancake breakfast for the homeless on Sunday, May 4, hosted by Grace Lutheran Church in downtown Phoenix. As many as 100 guests are expected. Here are the …
Esperanza’s next opportunity to serve I-Help is Tuesday, April 22, and you can sign up to provide food or funding for the team to purchase needed items. Please indicate funds for hunger. We will be serving at Desert Cross Lutheran …
Esperanza is partnering with Feed My Starving Children for a volunteer opportunity on Wednesday, March 19th from 9:00am – 11:00am in Tempe. Every year, millions of children die from preventable causes such as pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria and undernutrition. Hunger is …
Good news, Esperanza members! “God’s Work, Our Hands” T-shirts have been ordered and are now available for purchase by congregation members and anyone else who would like one. They’re also great for gift giving! This is a wonderful way for …
Join us on Sunday, March 9, at 4 p.m. for our first Adopt-A-Street cleanup of 2025! We will park and meet at Kyrene de la Esperanza Elementary School, which is located at the intersection of South Ranch Circle and 41st …
A few volunteers are still needed to provide dinner for Family Promise families on Tuesday evening, March 11. We still need people to bring a side dish and a dessert. We will be serving the families in the multipurpose room …
Join us in the Garden of Eatin’ for “Garden by Firelight” from 6:30 to 9 p.m. on Tonight, Friday, Feb. 28th. You can expect firepits, hot chocolate, s’mores supplies, and water provided by the Garden of Eatin’ team. If you’d …
Our next opportunity to provide dinner for Family Promise families will be Tuesday, March 11. We will need one volunteer each (a total of six) to prepare or bring a main dish, bread, salad, side dish, drinks, and dessert. We …
Donations of $197.99 and 182 pounds of non-perishable food were received for the Souper Bowl of Caring during church service on Feb. 9. Thank you to all who participated! The financial donation will be used to purchase food ingredients for …
Fired up for Super Bowl 59? What about the Souper Bowl? Esperanza will host a Souper Bowl of Caring competition during the church service on Feb. 9, 2025, which is Super Bowl Sunday this year. The football game, in New …