Esperanza Lutheran Church 35th Anniversary
Event Guide
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Click For Event Site Timeline & Diagrams
As we prepare for the Esperanza 35th Anniversary Celebration, please review and feel free to call or write if you have questions. Michael Paradise, [email protected] or 703-595-8885
For those who will be processing from Monte Vista School, please park at 8:45am at the church and immediately head over to Monte Vista School by 8:55am (there will be guides to assist). Please cautiously walk across the street (at the crosswalk @ Ray and Thunderhill), proceed up the ramp and cross over the bridge and down to the bottom of the ramp where we will gather for a prayer. A Scout will greet you with name tags and sharpies. The procession will commence at approximately 9:00am and proceed back across the Ray/Chandler Loop bridge to the crosswalk and back into the church parking lot.
For those who will not be processing from Monte Vista, please be prepared to park at the church and meet the processional on the west side of the office in the Cul-De-Sac (there will be guides to assist) at 8:55am. Seats will be available outside. A table will be set up in the culdesac with name tags and sharpies.
For those who wish not to process, you may proceed into the church upon arrival after getting your name tag in the Cul-De-Sac.
Processional – Once the processional from Monte Vista enters the parking lot, we will all pause for a prayer in the Cul-De-Sac and then process into the narthex and sanctuary passing by the HOPE art installation and The Bridge of Hope.
Recessional – After the service, we will all recess out of the fellowship hall (back of the sanctuary) by groups directed by Pastor Chris Heller.
Bridge Crossing & Stone Placement – In the courtyard just outside of the fellowship hall, each person will collect a placeholder stone and then cross the Bridge of Hope and place the placeholder stone in the HOPE art installation. Your customized stone will be installed by you, if you like, at or around Easter Sunday.
Lunch & Fellowship – After leaving the HOPE sign, we will recess into the Cul-De-Sac where we will gather for drinks, lunch and fellowship.
Stone Proofs – Your customized stone proofs will be viewable on a sign board on Sunday. Edits can be made by seeing Michael Paradise or emailing him at [email protected] or by calling 703-595-8885.
A video montage of messages of past Pastors who were unable to join in person will be played in the courtyard in a video loop. Pastors Jeff, Pam, Steve, Carol and Sarah contributed to this montage. This video will also be available on our website and YouTube channel after the event.
Church historical documents and photos will be available for viewing in both electronic and hard copy formats during lunch. Background music will be playing during lunch highlighting our very own Esperanza Jazz Band’s past performances.
For those who can assist in cleaning up and putting the tables and chairs away after the luncheon we thank you in advance.
Scouts from Boy Scout Troop 278 will be assisting with our Anniversary logistics.