Baptism of Christ B2024Mark 1:4-11 The gospels of Matthew and Luke both include Christmas stories, tales of Joseph and Mary, angels and shepherds. The gospel of John tells the most ancient of Christmas stories: In the beginning was the word …
Baptism of Christ B2024Mark 1:4-11 The gospels of Matthew and Luke both include Christmas stories, tales of Joseph and Mary, angels and shepherds. The gospel of John tells the most ancient of Christmas stories: In the beginning was the word …
Christmas 1B2023Lessons & Carols Near the end of the Christmas story, after Jesus is born, after the shepherds receive the good news of great joy from the angels, after the shepherds go with haste to find Mary, Joseph, and Jesus, …
Christmas Eve B2023Luke 2:1-20 Poet Robert Hayden writes in his poem “Those Winter Sundays”: Sundays too my father got up earlyand put his clothes on in the blueblack cold,then with cracked hands that achedfrom labor in the weekday weather madebanked …
Advent 4B2023Luke 1:26-38 In 1998, with both me and my sister in college, my parents opened themselves up to the possibility of a new call for my dad who was serving as an ELCA pastor in a small town in …
Advent 2B2023 Mark 1:1-8 The first verse of Mark’s gospel states: The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Of course, because this is one of the gospels from the Bible, it makes complete sense …
Advent 1B2023 Isaiah 64:1-9, Mark 13:24-37 Here they are, the people of Israel, after the Babylonian Exile, towards the end of Old Testament history. They are back in Jerusalem after decades of slavery, religious and cultural desolation, and despair. All …
Pentecost 24A2023 Matthew 25:1-13 Today, Jesus tells the disciples a parable, describing the kingdom of heaven. Because upon first glance it appears to be a terrifying parable, I invite us to consider it in 3D. I need 10 bridesmaids, one …
All Saints Sunday A2023 Matthew 5:1-9 Every Sunday and most weekdays as I made my way from the church parking lot to my office at Grace Lutheran Church, I would encounter people waiting for programs to start, people waiting to …
Reformation A 2023 Joint Sermon: Pastor Sarah Stadler & Judi Wold, Seminary Student Sarah: Judi, thanks so much for preaching with me today on this Reformation Sunday. Judi: It’s great to be here on such an important day in the …
Pentecost 21A2023 Matthew 22:15-22 Today, the Pharisees and Herodians, with syrupy sweetness, say to Jesus: We know you are sincere and teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. Is it lawful to pay taxes to the emperor, …
Grace and peace to you from God who is Creator, Christ, and Spirit. The lectionary texts this week consist of three passages that are comforting (the 23rd psalm, the peace that passes understanding passage from Philippians, an Isaiah passage about …
Pentecost 19A2023 Isaiah 5:1-7 If, in hearing the first lesson from Isaiah, you scratched your head and wondered: Is this the God I know in Jesus? you aren’t alone. When Isaiah prophecies about a vineyard yielding wild grapes, the resulting …