A drawing of a cartoon character

Kids! This Sunday April 21st – Playin’ and Prayin’ During Worship for Ages 2 – 6 and Deacon Connie!

A group of young boys standing in a roomYou asked…we answered!

Deacon Connie is extendind the worship experience for families with young children!

Shortly after worship begins on the dates below, Deacon Connie will take children ages 2-6 to the Duckling classroom for some playin’ & prayin’ time (Bible story & activities), allowing parents to remain in worship for the service and sermon!

Deacon Connie will bring the children back to the sanctuary to join their families near the end of the worship service, in time for communion and dismissal.

If you would like your children to participate a sign in sheet will be available upon arrival to worship on the following Sundays:

February 25th

March 24th

April 21st

May 19th

We look forward to this special time with your children and hope it will bring a warm invitation to your family to worship with us at Esperanza.