A sunset in the background

Looking for ways to help us out? We’ve got you covered!

How would you like to be of tremendous service to our faith community with very little time or effort?

We need worship leaders to greet, lector, be communion assistants, run the Power Point and usher each Sunday at both services.

Joni has been sending out weekly emails – but apparently your voluminous, enthusiastic responses have gotten hung up in cyberspace because they didn’t seem to hit her inbox. An unfortunate turn of events.

We know this has to be a technological malfunction because surely our congregation is giving, supportive and involved.

So starting this Sunday, we will stash the computers and try it the old-fashioned way: with sign-up sheets for the month by date.

Look for the clipboards on the Narthex table on Sunday and sign up!

And please, one at a time!