Toward the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry, as he was preparing his disciples for his upcoming betrayal by Judas and execution at the hands of a combination of the religious establishment and government power, he told his disciples, “I will not leave you orphaned… In a little while the world will no longer see me, but you will see me” (John 14:18-19). It’s important to remember that even when Jesus knew he was going to undergo this suffering – even when the world would convince itself it had gotten rid of him – he was reminding his disciples to still look for him. Look for him when the world denies him. Look for him when they feel as if all hope has abandoned them. It’s not always easy to do. It’s not always easy to look for Jesus and trust the guidance of the Advocate (the Holy Spirit promised in John’s gospel). Let’s be honest, our world is full of reasons to be anxious. And these reasons threaten to distract us from looking for Jesus’ presence in our world.
I think the reasons for our anxiety vary from person to person and season to season. Maybe it’s national or international concerns that draw your attention. There’s a lot going on in our world that leads to anxiety in those realms. Maybe your concerns are more personal in nature – a child is struggling in school or life, a loved one or perhaps yourself has been given a troubling medical diagnosis. Perhaps you’re concerned about job security or your car has been giving you trouble and you’re afraid to take it to the mechanic to find out how expensive the fix is really going to be. It’s easy to feel like we’re alone in these times, and sometimes our anxiety is confirmed in the way events come about. But the good news today is that even in the darkest of moments – even when Jesus himself was no longer physically with the disciples – Jesus does not leave us orphaned. There are always signs of Christ’s presence among us – if we know where to look.
Earlier today as I write this, I saw evidence of Christ’s presence as I worked alongside over 100 volunteers from various walks of life in Arizona come together to pack meals to feed hungry children around the world through Feed My Starving Children. Together, we packed enough meals to feed over 140 people for a year! For people who are truly in the deep despair of food scarcity, a consistent meal is truly God’s presence being shared with them. As our gold yellow t-shirts proclaim, we are doing God’s work with the hands that God has provided for us. We also see Christ’s presence as the community comes together to provide meals for people who are struggling with illness such as our meal train, or through I-HELP. Christ is present in how we as congregations welcome the stranger and feed the hungry every day. And truly, I believe that Christ is present not just in those who are doing the work of compassion, but also in those who receive our generosity as well.
Family of God, the good news for us today is as we act as the body of Christ, Christ is truly present among us. So as we walk through this season of Lent, know that as we gather together and do God’s work, Christ is present here. Christ is alive in us today, and in the body of Christ, none of us are left orphaned.
Pastor Chris