Join Our Church Family! New Member Class This Sunday

A stone buildingLooking to become part of a vibrant community of faith where service to others is a priority?

You’re at the right place. A class for those interested in learning about membership at Esperanza will be held at 11:15 a.m. on Sunday, Feb. 5, in the Fellowship Hall. We will begin with a light lunch that will include the First Communion class, then break into our respective classes. Participants in the New Member Class will learn about Lutheran church history, the structure of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (to which Esperanza belongs), and Esperanza and its ministries. There also will be a tour of the church.

If you are planning to attend, please let Pastor Sarah know by Sunday, Jan. 29. All new members will have a sponsor. Esperanza members interested in sponsorship also should notify Pastor Sarah. Sponsors will attend the class, introduce the new members at worship when they are officially received, and periodically connect with the new members.

For more information email or call the officde at 480.759.1515