Confirmation Class Helps Welcome the Newborn

Soon it will be Advent, the season when we await the arrival of the newborn Jesus. What better time to help welcome babies born to families in need?

Our youth group and confirmation class are working on a service project and the congregation can join in! They will be stuffing Christmas stockings made by Needy Newborns, a community group that assembles layettes for babies born into families that are financially challenged.

Doris Dorwart and her friends support newborns and their families at Banner Hospital, Valley wide hospital, UMON and or Salvation Army. Students are asking the congregation to help stuff stockings with special newborn items. For the next few Sundays there will be a Newborn Christmas stocking board outside of the front door of the church with sticky notes of items needed. Please pick one up, buy the itemand bring it back the next Sunday!

The goal is to stuff 20 Stockings on Sunday November 14.

Each stocking will contain:
— 1 washcloth
— 6 diapers size 1
— Hat and bootie set (usually 2 sets per stocking, but 1 is ok too)
— 1 nightgown or sleeper
— 1 burp cloth or bib
— 1 blanket
— 1 toy (soft, no added buttons or decorations which could come off and choke the baby)

More information here