Bread of Life Week Two: True Bread from Heaven

Jesus reaches out to those who came looking for him. He reveals the true bread of heaven, saying “I am the bread of life.” Do we look to heaven for our daily bread? Do we look to Jesus to fill us with food that will not perish? “It is my Father that gives you true bread from heaven” (John 6: 32b)


Lord, move us, encourage us, to imagine what bread from heaven could be: a bread that satisfies hunger forever; a bread that endures forever.

Filled up by Jesus, may we trust in him for our daily bread.


Here are the scriptures featured in the series:
July 25: John 6:1-21
August 1 John 6:24-35
August 8 John 6:35, 41-51
August 15 John 6:51-58
August 22 John 6:56-69

Photo by Geda Zyvatkauskaite on Upsplash