Our In-Person Worship Moves to the Sanctuary

Both in-person services move into our sanctuary on May 16. The times have changed too. We meet at 8:30 and 10:30 — another step towards returning to our pre-pandemic worship practices. The indoor services will be identical for now, and will include singing. To attend, please continue to use the registration form on on our website.

Our Covid Policy Has Changed

When our actions are guided by our love
for one another and our community,
we follow the way of living that Jesus modeled for us.

Esperanza Lutheran Church follows the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) concerning Covid. On Wednesday the CDC amended its guidelines.

If you are fully vaccinated we invite you to attend worship unmasked, however if you wish please feel free to continue wearing your mask. We expect that unvaccinated worshippers will continue to wear a mask inside the building for the safety of children, youth and those whose immune systems are compromised.

When you arrive, look for a grouping of chairs that matches the number of people on your registration. At the conclusion of the service, please exit promptly through the doors in the Fellowship Hall.

Other Worship and Education News

Worship Via Live Stream or Recording
The 8:30 a.m. service will continue to be livestreamed on YouTube. You may access it by clicking the livestream button at the top of our home page under the large photo of the church. After the 8:30 service is over the recording will be available in the worship archive at https://myesperanza.org/worship/. Please remember to have bread and wine/juice ready when watching!

Sunday School
Parents, open the Bible to learn about how God created our world out of nothing. God created everything and it was good! Spend 10 to 15 minutes with your children,reading a Bible story and sharing God’s words. Find the May lessons here.

Coffee Hour To Be Re-imagined
The Zoom coffee hour is on hold as the council and our teams assess options for fellowship. Possibilities include a new day and time for the Zoom social hour as well as fellowship after in-person worship. Please contact Pastor Annemarie if you would like to become a member of our Fellowship Team or the Inviting and Welcoming Team.