Our annual meeting is this Sunday at 10 a.m. The meeting will be virtual, using the Zoom technology that has enabled us to gather for communion and coffee hour during this health emergency. Please see the Zoom invitation that you received in email or in the Words of Hope newsletter to connect. We are asking couples to log in together because Zoom limits the number of connections. If you have questions please contact Pastor Carol at 224-422-9552 or Michelle Tinsley at 480-229-2272.
Matters that will be considered at the meeting include:
- Review of the 2020 Annual Report
- The Ministry Site Profile, which requires a vote of the congregation
- The Esperanza Mission Endowment Fund — Council is proposing that the fund be dispersed to Julie Gerrish for the continuance of her divinity degree program. Read the resolution.
- Welcome to our new members: Michael Paradise, Megan Healy, Taite Paradise, Jax Paradise, Kelly Edwards, Paige Edwards and Cindy Jackson.
- Council Retirements and elections: Thank you to Rachael Hanania and Jessica Mueller who have completed their council term of office. Craig Peck and Michael Paradise have been nominated to fill the two available seats.
- Call Committee: A vote of the congregation is required to seat the call committee that will conduct the search for a new pastor. The slate includes: Tom Vega, Beth Leaf, Jim Gisselquist, Tyler Willis, Jim Nelson, Paige Somero, Ron Tuszynski and Brian Canton