Spring is in the air, and before it gets so hot that your hands sear to the steering wheel, why not drive over to the church Saturday morning to help with the Garden of Eatin’ annual cleanup?
Garden president Jayne Peterson said that anyone who would like to help is welcome from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. to help make the area more presentable for Easter Sunday.
Bring food for a pot luck. At about the midpoint, work stops, the crew chows down and enjoys a few minutes of fellowship before getting back to work.
Compost must be turned. Craig Peck, an avid gardener, says turning the compost helps add oxygen that speeds the composting process.
The two demonstration gardens and 18 public gardens will be weeded. Beds will be cleared of older materials that have died over the winter. Grounds will be raked and trees trimmed by the volunteer crew.
Volunteers need not be garden members to help with this project. Jayne says that all are welcome!
For those interested in gardening, the 12-foot by 4-foot beds rent for $100 a year, which includes rich composted soil, and watering from the drip system. There are two master gardeners who oversee the beds to assist gardeners.