The Site Profile Team continues to move forward with completing our work in support of the pastoral call process. Last week we completed three live, online sessions and one for the youth in our congregation, which were designed to gather input for our pastoral call. Thank you to everyone who attended the sessions. Our goal is to provide several ways to gather feedback, guaranteeing that everyone who wishes to contribute may provide input.
Today, we are happy to announce the Online Site Profile Survey. This survey provides everyone in our community the opportunity to provide feedback in the call process. The survey has several questions that helps us provide an in-depth view of our history, our community and our needs. Your thoughts are valuable and critical as we continue on this journey, and we encourage everyone—even those who participated in the Zoom sessions—to complete the survey. The survey can be completed on your laptop, tablet or smartphone.
Complete the survey by clicking this link
If you know of someone who does not have access to a computer or other digital device, contact Joni in the church office at 480-759-1515 to obtain a paper copy through the U.S. mail.