A body of water

We’re entering the closing stretch at Children of Hope

Spring Break is upon us and that means we only have one more semester of school.

The rest of the year seems to go so fast. We grow so attached to our kiddos and it is bittersweet to move them on, especially our PreK kiddos who will go on to kindergarten.

This year will be especially poignant as we congratulate and celebrate Mrs. Johnson into retirement.

A person with dark hair and a sunset in the backgroundBut in the meantime, we still have lots to do! When we return from Spring Break, we will, among other things, begin to get ready for Easter. This season brings one of our favorite Chapel Times of the year. I hope you will join us.

Registration for 2022-23 is upon us. On March 1 we began to welcome new families. Your good word is our best and most valued advertisement so please invite your family and friends to join our school family. We will take good care of them.

Thank you all for coming to Parent/Teacher Conferences. SO much growth and brain development occurs in these first five years, and we appreciate the opportunities, such as conferences, to share this important growth with you. Your children say and do amazing things at school each day and it is a joy to share these moments with you as they reach various milestones.

More on these milestones can be found here: CDC’s Developmental Milestones | CDC.

Welcome spring!


“Mrs. H”

Lynn Hockenberger

Preschool Director