A sunset in the background

Volunteer for I-HELP on November 28th – Register Online Here!

Esperanza’s Outreach Team is partnering with Desert Cross Lutheran Church in Tempe to serve the Interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging Program (I-HELP). This ministry provides shelter nights to homeless adults as well as a case management program that assists with finding employment.

Our next serving opportunity is Tuesday, November 28th.  

The experience includes providing dinner and making sack lunches for the following day. Volunteers are needed to prepare and bring food for dinner, serve guests, and participate in mealtime activities. Sign ups have begun and list will be at church.

Donations are needed to purchase Sam ‘s chickens for our dinner. An envelope will be in the entry way. We anticipate 27 guests and 10 to 15 volunteers.

For questions, contact Linda Dickson at (480) 330-1402 or [email protected].

Sign up form below photos.

A group of people sitting at a table in front of a crowd A group of people in a room A group of people standing in a kitchen preparing food

    Volunteer Sign-Up