The Needy Among Us: Support the Kyrene Family Resource Center

The Kyrene Family Resource Center helps families with basic needs living on the neighborhoods around us who have children in school. Esperanza has been active in this ministry for years, collecting non-perishables and other items. During October, Esperanza donated 63 pounds of food bringing out year-to-date donation to 554 pounds.

Larry and Peggy Hanson spearhead this on-going project.

You can help!

Food staples are urgently needed year round, whether school is in session or not. If you can, please donate non-perishables, including good sources of protein, including but not limited to peanut butter and jelly, beans, tuna, whole wheat pasta, flour and other whole foods. Bring your gift of nutritious food to the church kitchen!

For more information, contact Larry Hanson.

Photo by Freddy G on Upsplash