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Please Attend Congregation Meeting This Sunday, May 19th Following 9:00 AM Service

There will be a Congregation Meeting on Sunday, May 19th, 2024 following the 9AM service.  Details to come in a future Words of Hope Newsletter.  

The agenda items will include voting to:

On Sunday, April 19th, 2024 the Congregation voted to approve the proposed constitution changes by a vote of 57 – 0.  

Over the past couple of years, questions and concerns have been raised regarding some of the wording and content of our constitution. So, in May of 2023, the council began the process of reviewing our constitution, bylaws and continuing resolutions to see what changes should be recommended to the congregation. The Congregation Council recommendations are incorporated into this document and based on research from ELCA congregations, the Grand Canyon Synod, the Office of the Secretary of the ELCA and the Office of the Archivist of the ELCA.

The following two attachments include:

The approved changes will be ratified at our next regularly scheduled congregation meeting – May 19th, 2024 – by a two-thirds vote of those voting members present and voting.

The approved and ratified changes will then be sent to the Grand Canyon Synod for their review.

Upon approval, they will notify us of their approval. The changes will go into effect once we have received their notification.

In Service to the Esperanza Community,

Jim Gisselquist, President
On behalf of the Esperanza Congregation Council