We have a wonderful feature in the sanctuary: a Prayground!
Tucked against the east wall, the Prayground is a place where children may color ot play quietly while the service is going on.
It’s a wonderful way for your children to build happy memories about going to church.
Additionally, we now have God’s Grab Bags for Sunday Worship.
Esperanza is a welcoming place and we are inviting your kids to be in worship with our new GGB’s (God’s Grab Bags). These bags are filled with meaningful and fun worship activities. These bags are for children 6 to 10 to use and enjoy during worship. The bags are filled with puzzles, fidget toys, and creative activities that will help your child participate in worship and grow in faith.
These quiet God Grab bags will be located on a special rack at the entrance of our Sanctuary.
As your child enters worship:
• grab one GGB from the rack and bring it to your seat
• enjoy the activities of the bag and participate in worship
• after worship return the GGB to the rack
Come, all are welcome to worship at Esperanza Lutheran Church.
Safeguarding God’s Children Policy Click Here