A group of people sitting at a table

Oriented Toward Outreach? We’ve Got a Place for You

Esperanza! Did you know that earlier this year we formed a Community Outreach Team? The mission of the Outreach Team is to serve and connect with the community by sharing the love of Christ in meaningful, supportive, and uplifting ways.

Some of the events we have sponsored or participated in this past year include:

The Kiwanis Easter Parade, the Chamber of Commerce Fourth of July Bicycle Parade and festivities, Grace Lutheran Church pancake breakfasts and heat respite program, packing kits for Sonoran Prevention Works, ordering T-shirts and a banner for the congregation, I-HELP dinners and sack lunches, and a partnership with Kyrene de la Esperanza Elementary School to provide coffee and bagels to teachers and staff twice a year, as well as creating an Affirmation Wall for teachers and students.  And we already have some fun service ideas for 2024!

Other outreach projects that are managed by specific congregation members include:

Habitat for Humanity, Kyrene Family Resource Center, summer water collection, the LSS-SW Angel Christmas Tree, and the Garden of Eatin’.

Although we cannot participate in every worthwhile project, please feel free to bring your ideas and passions to the Outreach Team. We review, discuss, and vet each suggestion and project to determine what fits best for Esperanza based on commitment, cost, time, etc.

If you would like to join the Outreach Team or present a specific project, the current Outreach Team members are:

Larry Hanson (Chair)                                [email protected]

Chris Armfield (Council Liaison)              [email protected]

Linda Dickson                                           [email protected]

Judi Wold                                                   [email protected]

Peggy Shepherd                                       [email protected]

Pastor Sarah                                             [email protected]

Also, you are invited to attend an Outreach Team meeting, typically held on the second Wednesday of the month at 2 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.

Finally, the Outreach Team appreciates and thanks everyone who has volunteered (whether through time or donations) for outreach projects. Without you, we would not have been successful and visible in the Ahwatukee community!