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Making Your Financial Intent to Esperanza and its Many Ministries

A wooden tableNovember 5, 2023

Dear People of Hope:

Your participation in the life of Esperanza is very much appreciated: your willingness to worship together and to serve as worship leaders, to build relationship with others, to care for our church home, and to share financially. Esperanza shares the Gospel at home, our community, and the world. You are generous—for which we thank God.

Our goal for next year is to increase our offerings by $18,500 ($356/week) or more. This increase can happen as each one of us prayerfully remembers all that God has done for us in Christ Jesus….and joyfully responds. If you didn’t submit a giving intent for 2023, will you please consider making one for 2024? Doing so would be a tremendous benefit to our Finance Team as they finalize next year’s Mission Plan. If you did submit an intent last year, will you consider increasing your giving in 2024? Perhaps your household income has recently increased and you could expand your giving by a similar percentage. Or perhaps you are in a position where you could increase the percent you give of your annual income, from 3% to 4%, for example.

The enclosed brochure (click here) outlines the needs and plans for which your offerings will be used. Please read over it carefully and pray about your response. The enclosed Intent card will be received in worship on Sunday, November 12. If you prefer, the intent card may be completed online https://myesperanza.org/intent-card/. Please note that the intent card—including the online version—is for sharing your intent to contribute to the Esperanza General Mission Plan only. We always welcome additional gifts for various dedicated funds, but please do not include intentions to give to those funds on your intent card.

Each week, we have prayed: Change our hearts, O God, and by our generosity, may we be like you.

We give thanks to God for you!

With gratitude,

Esperanza Stewardship Team
Linda Dickson, Chuck Yount, Pastor Sarah Stadler

To Indicate Your 2024 Financial Giving Intention Click Here

For the November 6th 2023 Message Above (Mailed PDF) Click Here

For our complete 2023 Stewardship Program Click Here