Introducing our new Financial Secretary…Jane Gisselquist!

A woman wearing glasses and smiling at the cameraIn 2022, the church Council voted to approve the nomination of Esperanza Member Jane Gisselquist as Esperanza’s new Financial Secretary.  As with most change, change takes time.

As good stewards of processes and procedures, the church Council, Finance Team and Jane took the necessary time and effort to map out and properly plan for Jane’s new role.  A few months ago, Joni Thorpe, our Parish Administrator, and Jane began working together to separate the Financial Secretary duties from the Parish Administrator duties—and to get Jane up to speed on the Esperanza database software.  For the sake of financial best practices, these two roles are now separate.

As Financial Secretary, Jane records all contributions of Esperanza members, provides reports to the finance team as requested, and provides quarterly giving statements to members.  If you have a question about Vanco (also known as Simply Giving) or your automated giving through the Esperanza website which is also Vanco, please contact Jane by email at [email protected].

On that note, if you would like to begin utilizing online giving, just visit and click on the fund name to which you would like to contribute.  The “GENERAL OPERATING” fund is the one that funds the majority of the ministry of Esperanza.

You may notice that Jane will now be listed on the staff list in the bulletin and website—even though Financial Secretary is a volunteer position.  The financial secretary is an integral part of the Esperanza team, and we are grateful for Jane’s service!

A heartfelt thanks to Joni Thorpe for her many years of service as our Financial Secretary.  Joni will continue as our Parish Administrator.