Help With Sack Lunches for Homeless This Summer

Calling all Esperanza chefs, volunteers, those able to assemble or serve sandwiches, and those wishing to donate non-perishables to the cause!

We will again be providing sack lunches to be served at Grace Lutheran Church in downtown Phoenix on Wednesday, July 31, and Wednesday, Aug. 7. We welcome your help on either or both days.

Here is the link for more information on Grace’s program: Sack lunches will consist of: one sandwich (ham, turkey, roast beef, peanut butter & jelly) with cheese, granola bar (or similar), chips, packaged cookies, fruit cups, and Capri Sun or juice boxes. We anticipate serving 200 guests each day. Grace Lutheran will provide all plates, cups, silverware, and condiments.

If you wish to help assemble the sack lunches, please meet us in the Fellowship Hall at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, July 31, or 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 7. If you plan to help prepare lunches, please sign up online or in the Narthex. We will provide the items needed to assemble the sack lunches.

You also are welcome to help serve the lunches at Grace Lutheran. Lunch service begins at approximately noon. We will leave Esperanza at approximately 10 a.m. to deliver them. Non-perishable items that can be donated or collected prior to the lunch service are: lunch bags, sandwich bags, napkins, chips, juice boxes / Capri Sun boxes, fruit cups (mandarin oranges, applesauce, fruit cocktail, peaches, etc.), Nutrigrain bars (or similar), packaged cookies and bottled water (16 ounces). Funds are welcomed for purchase of perishables and non-perishables.

Please deliver your non-perishable donations to the Kitchen/Fellowship Hall by Sunday, July 28, or Sunday, Aug. 4. Designate them for “Grace Lutheran.” If you have questions, feel free to contact Peggy Hanson at [email protected].