A group of pink flowers and grass

Sign-Up for Pancake Breakfast, Easter Egg Hunt & Easter Flowers Here!

    Easter Sunday, April 20th 2025

    A Pancake Breakfast with sausage and maple syrup will be served between 7:30 am and 8:45 am in the Courtyard.

    After the 9:00 am Worship Service, there will be a children's Easter Egg Hunt at 10:15 am.

    To sign up for the Pancake Breakfast and / or the Easter Egg Hunt, please use the following form. You will receive a confirmation of your reservation through E-mail.

    2025 Lenten & Easter Schedule
    • Palm Sunday Worship Service, Sunday, April 13th, 9:00 am
    • Maundy Thursday Worship Services, Thursday, April 17th, 7:00 pm
    • Good Friday Promesa de Esperanza Cantata & Worship Service, Friday, April 18th, 7:00 pm
    • Kiwanis Easter Parade (10am with staging at 9am) & Spring Fling (11am) Saturday, April 19th - 10:00 am
    • Easter Vigil Worship Service, Saturday, April 19th, 7:00 pm
    • Easter Sunday Sunrise Worship Service, Sunday, April 20th, 6:30 am
    • Easter Sunday Pancake Breakfast, Sunday, April 20th, 7:30 am
    • Easter Sunday Worship Service, Sunday, April 20th, 9:00 am
    • Easter Egg Hunt, Sunday, April 20th, 10:15 am

    A vase of flowers on a table

      Easter Flower Orders

      Cost is $20.00 per plant. Submit payment to the church office or in the Narthex with a printout of the confirmation e-mail you will receive. Orders must be placed by April 13th, 2025. Make checks payable to Esperanza Lutheran Church; in the memo area please write: Flowers.

      Flowers may be picked up after the service; any flowers left past April 27th will be discarded.

      Dedication Options: