Donations to Kyrene Family Center Hit 725 Pounds for Year

Esperanza is on track to surpass its donation goal for 2024 to the Kyrene Family Resource Center!

Through May, our church had donated 725 pounds of food, which is more than halfway to our goal of 1,250 pounds for the year. Thank you to everyone for so faithfully supporting this outreach ministry, which assists families and employees in the Kyrene School District with their basic needs.

Currently, the center needs fruit cups (individual packages), applesauce (individual packages), cereal, dry rice, dry pinto beans, microwavable mac and cheese, jelly, and peanut butter. Please place donations in the shopping cart in the Fellowship Hall.

For questions about our partnership with the center, contact Peggy or Larry Hanson at [email protected] or (480) 231-4023.