A made bed in a bedroom

Cozy Nights Drive: Thank You!

The “Cozy Nights” bedding drive ended last Sunday. Esperanza had a goal of collecting 50 sets of queen-size bedding to donate to Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest (LSS-SW) for their their older adult clients.

Thank you for responding to the needs of others. We did not reach our goal of 50 sets, but we were successful in collecting 48  sets of bedding. Your donation helped those in our community who do not have the financial means to make even small improvements to their daily living.

LSS-SW sought a donation goal of 1,300 sets of bedding for their clients in the “Cozy Nights” Drive. As of December 10th, they have collected almost nine hundred sets of bedding. Esperanza has shown support to the community by providing almost 5% of the collection total.

Thank you to Susan and Tom Vega for coordinating the drive!