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Congregation Elects New Church Council Members for 2024-25

Four members were elected to their first two-year terms on the church council at the May 19 congregation meeting. Joining the council as elected members for 2024-25 are Chris Armfield, Cindy Jackson, KC Quah and Donna Sparber. Armfield already had been serving on the council, filling a vacated seat since 2023.

The four are joined by Paige Somero, who was elected to her second two-year term.’

Additionally, the Council elected officers after the congregation meeting.

Here are the newly elected council members:

  • Chris Armfield – Retired insurance underwriter who has been the council’s liaison to the Outreach Team. Has been a leader for Adopt-a-Street. Husband Rocky, daughters Andrea and Elaine.
  • Cindy Jackson – Retired from group sales at The Buttes resort. Active at Esperanza for more than 20 years. Husband Ted, daughter Kelly.
  • KC Quah – Retired from career at Intel and Gartner. Member of Esperanza since 2006. Wife Christine, children Eliza and Isaac.
  • Donna Sparber – Retired from career in telecommunications. Member since 2004 and was on the council from 2007-10.

Here are the newly elected council officers for 2024-25:

  • President – Chris Armfield
  • Vice President – Paige Somero
  • Treasurer – Chuck Yount
  • Secretary – Cindy Jackson

Council members, in alphabetical order:

  • Chris Armfield
  • Susan Brown
  • Jim Gisselquist
  • Pastor Chris Heller
  • Cindy Jackson
  • Beth Leaf
  • KC Quah
  • Paige Somero
  • Donna Sparber
  • Chuck Yount

Standing committees:

  • Executive Council – Pastor Chris Heller, Chris Armfield, Paige Somero, Cindy Jackson, Chuck Yount
  • Nominating for 2024-25 – Michelle Ageno, Dan Beeks, Michael Paradise (retiring council member), Craig Peck (retiring council member), Michelle Tinsley, Susan Vega
  • Audit

Existing teams:

  • Worship & Music – Pastor Chris Heller, Paige & Brad Somero, Josie & Jim Nelson, Jane & Todd Peterson, Eddie Knoell, Lai Gates
  • Community Outreach – Pastor Chris Heller, Linda Dickson, Larry Hanson, Judi Wold, Peggy Shepherd, Chris Armfield, Barb Yurka
  • Stewardship – Pastor Chris Heller, Chuck Yount, Linda Dickson
  • Finance – Mark Entsminger, Chuck Yount, Michael Paradise, Jane Gisselquist, Tina Knoell, Ray Purdy, Joni Thorpe, Pastor Chris Heller
  • Education – Pastor Chris Heller, Beth Leaf, Paige Somero, Madison Somero
  • Fellowship – Peggy Wagner, Julie Valenzuela, Jane Gisslequist
  • Communications – Pastor Chris Heller, Michael Paradise
  • Welcoming – Susan Brown, Tom Vega, Susan Vega, Julie Valenzuela, Beth Leaf
  • Personnel – Executive Committee
  • Property – Denzil Klein, Randy Wright, Michael Paradise, Mark Schut, Craig Peck
  • Historian & Archivist – Tom Vega
  • Transition/MSP (for recent Pastor Call) – Liz Farquhar, Michele Tinsley, Paul Wagner, & Paul Beeks
  • 35th Anniversary Celebration Team (Event: Sunday, Feb. 23, 2025) – Tom Vega, Liz Farquhar, Lynn Hockenberger, Chris Armfield, Peggy Wagner, Joni Thorpe, Larry Hanson, Michael Paradise, Randy Wright

To access a copy of the Esperanza constitution last updated May 21, 2023 Click Here

Note: Constitution changes were voted on and approved on Sunday, May 19, 2024, and will be approved by the Synod in the coming weeks.

For contact information for the council members, please email [email protected].