Come, Holy Spirit, Come!

A person posing for the cameraPeople of Hope:

On Sunday, May 28, we celebrate Pentecost! Pentecost is the day the Holy Spirit filled the disciples in Jerusalem, giving them the ability to speak languages never studied, the day flames as of fire appeared above their heads, the day the wind of the Holy Spirit swept into the place where they had gathered. Jesus had lived, died, been raised, and ascended, and now the Holy Spirit came to finish what Jesus had started. Pentecost is the birthday of the CHURCH, the day we celebrate the Holy Spirit that makes all of what we do as CHURCH possible.

Pentecost is my absolute favorite day of the church year. On Pentecost, we wear red, signifying the fire of the Holy Spirit at work among us. We may speak many languages remembering how the Holy Spirit gave the disciples the ability to proclaim the gospel to all nations. We may light candles atop a cake and together blow them out in honor of that feisty Spirit, and play our percussion instruments with particular joy. The Holy Spirit is why we gather as CHURCH. Pentecost is a glorious day!

On Pentecost, we are reminded that CHURCH is not just us, Esperanza Lutheran at 2601 E. Thunderhill Place in Phoenix. CHURCH is all Lutherans everywhere, all Presbyterians, all Episcopalians, all mainline Christians, all non-denominational and charismatic and fundamentalist Jesus followers. The CHURCH gathers not just here in Phoenix, not just in Arizona, not just in the U.S. The Holy Spirit gathers us from North to South America, across Europe and Asia, throughout Africa, Australia, and the South Pacific. We are one body, the people of God, the CHURCH.

In previous generations, the CHURCH in the United States sent missionaries to distant places to bring the good news of Jesus, often along with unhelpful or even condemning words and practices. Today, the ELCA engages in global mission through “accompaniment,” walking together in a solidarity that practices interdependence and mutuality. Accompaniment is not about saving anyone but instead about participating in God’s work by the invitation of a host church body and learning and serving alongside God’s people there. The missionaries of today learn and grow as much through their service — and likely more, they would say — than the people who welcome them in 80 church bodies around the world.

We have the opportunity to partner in global mission; we included a small amount for global mission in our 2023 mission plan. On Pentecost, the Outreach Team invites us to make the decision together as a congregation about what our partnership will look like. The Iglesia Luterana de Mexico (Mexican Lutheran Church) and the Eglesia Lutheriennne du Senegal (Lutheran Church of Senegal) are both companion synods of the Grand Canyon Synod. Given that, our options for partnership are as follows:

  1. Congregation-to-Congregation Partnership with Iglesia Luterana de Mexico

Esperanza would be paired with a particular congregation who is part of Iglesia Luterana de Mexico, and we would communicate directly with them. Possible opportunities for sharing include visits, Zoom calls (maybe even during worship or fellowship), sharing photos, praying for each other, and other creative ideas. This would be a mutual exchange between our two congregations.

2. YAGM Mexico Country Coordinator Support

Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) is an ELCA short-term global mission program for young adults. There is one coordinator for the YAGM program in each country, and we could partner with the Mexico coordinator. We would receive their monthly newsletters and a visit from the coordinator when they are here in the U.S. Our financial gift would help fund their salary. The coordinator in Mexico will be hired later this year.

3. Support for Rev. Mytch Dorvilier in Senegal

Rev. Mytch Dorvilier currently serves as YAGM country coordinator in Senegal with the Eglesia Lutherienne du Senegal (Lutheran Church of Senegal). We would receive her monthly newsletters and a visit from her when she is here in the U.S. Our financial gift would help fund her salary.

I invite you to think and pray about how Esperanza might follow the call of the Holy Spirit to partner with God’s people in a different place. If you know that you will not be in worship on Sunday, May 28, and would like to share your input about this decision, please let me know via email or in person.

Come, Holy Spirit, come!

Pastor Sarah