Prayer of the Day O God, with all your faithful followers of every age, we praise you, the rock of our life. Be our strong foundation and form us into the body of your Son, that we may gladly minister …
Prayer of the Day O God, with all your faithful followers of every age, we praise you, the rock of our life. Be our strong foundation and form us into the body of your Son, that we may gladly minister …
People of Hope: As early as the end of this week, you will see clearly marked containers for recycling around Esperanza. The signs on the recycling containers will show: NO …
Prayer of the Day God of all peoples, your arms reach out to embrace all those who call upon you. Teach us as disciples of your Son to love the world with compassion and constancy, that your name may be …
People of Hope: More than Romeo & Juliet or Macbeth, I love Shakespeare’s Sonnet 130. My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun; Coral is far more red than her lips’ red; If snow be white, why then her breasts …
Prayer of the Day God our defender, storms rage around and within us and cause us to be afraid. Rescue your people from despair, deliver your sons and daughters from fear, and preserve us in the faith of your Son, …
People of Hope: Each year, Lutherans across the United States engage in acts of service on “God’s Work Our Hands” Sunday, always the second Sunday of September. Of course, most Lutherans engage in service on many other days of the …
Prayer of the Day Glorious God, your generosity waters the world with goodness, and you cover creation with abundance. Awaken in us a hunger for the food that satisfies both body and spirit, and with this food fill all the …
People of Hope: On Sunday, July 2, during Faith in Motion, we explored the last of our practices related to growing authentic connections and a deep sense of belonging, as stated in our mission statement. This time, we discussed how …
People of Hope: Please excuse me sharing two messages this week! After hosting Mission Gatherings, proposing and getting approved a new mission statement and guiding principles, and sending out and receiving responses on a survey, the Transition Team has completed …
Prayer of the Day Beloved and sovereign God, through the death and resurrection of your Son you bring us into your kingdom of justice and mercy. By your Spirit, give us your wisdom, that we may treasure the life that …
People of Hope: On the wall of my house is an art piece given to me by someone in a congregation I once served that reads: No one has ever become poor by giving When I first received it, I …
Prayer of the Day Faithful God, most merciful judge, you care for your children with firmness and compassion. By your Spirit nurture us who live in your kingdom, that we may be rooted in the way of your Son, Jesus …