People of Hope: I know we all value children here. I know we do because, more than 15 years ago, this community founded Children of Hope Child Development Center to provide kids with really solid early childhood education. I know …
People of Hope: I know we all value children here. I know we do because, more than 15 years ago, this community founded Children of Hope Child Development Center to provide kids with really solid early childhood education. I know …
Prayer of the Day O God our shepherd, you know your sheep by name and lead us to safety through the valleys of death. Guide us by your voice, that we may walk in certainty and security to the joyous …
We are the church, the body of our Lord. We are all God’s children, and we have been restored. The church is not a building where people go to pray. It’s not made out of sticks and stones, and it’s …
The Habitat for Humanity homebuilding project involving volunteers from Esperanza is progressing ahead of schedule. Drywall installation has been completed on the house at 3610 S. Roosevelt St., near Broadway Road and Hardy Drive, in Tempe. No work is scheduled …
Prayer of the Day Almighty and eternal God, the strength of those who believe and the hope of those who doubt, may we, who have not seen, have faith in you and receive the fullness of Christ’s blessing, who lives …
Prayer of the Day Everlasting God, in your endless love for the human race you sent our Lord Jesus Christ to take on our nature and to suffer death on the cross. In your mercy enable us to share in …
People of Hope: While serving at Grace Lutheran Church in downtown Phoenix, I regularly mediated both verbal and physical conflict. When fistfights erupted in Hope Hall, the fellowship hall, usually, one person would flee, the other remain. The person who …
The church’s adult choir, Promesa de Esperanza, will perform the cantata “Risen This Day” as part of the Good Friday worship service at 7 p.m. Friday, March 29, 2024. “Risen This Day,” composed by Benjamin Harlan and John Parker, was …
Ahwatukee’s annual Easter parade is fast approaching. Donations of sewn hearts and snack-size M&M’s, which will be passed out along the parade route, should be brought to the church by Wednesday, March 29. Esperanza will have a spot in the …
Prayer of the Day Almighty God, your Son came into the world to free us all from sin and death. Breathe upon us the power of your Spirit, that we may raised to new life in Christ and serve you …
Mission Plan Results Through February – General Fund February 2023 YTD Revenue Expense Net Income/(Loss) Actual $64,844 $50,466 $14,378 Plan $54,650 $49,607 $5,043 Through February, pledge giving is better than our plan and better than last year. This is …
People of Hope: Next Tuesday, March 14, Phoenix residents living in City Council Districts 6 and 8 will have the opportunity to vote in a runoff council election. Many in the Esperanza community live in District 6, and if you …