An Authentic Community of Encouragement – That’s Us

A person standing posing for the cameraAs I’ve gotten to know Esperanza a bit, I’ve noticed that this is a community of faith that has much to offer our broader community and world. I’ve been blessed to spend some time walking alongside the membership as they have navigated service opportunities and found ways to be welcoming in times of hope and in times of sorrow, and I have continued to be amazed by the generous spirit that members of this congregation bring forth every Sunday.

One of the things that I have had the opportunity to wonder about over the past several months is how Esperanza has so many wonderful things going for it. But Esperanza isn’t going to be one of those congregations that will offer everything to everybody. It’s not the dynamics of the place, and that is OK. What has been fun is getting to know what Esperanza does well, and it truly is a lot. And one of the most important things, from my perspective, is how Esperanza is a place that truly loves, encourages, and supports one another to explore and grow in giftedness and sense of calling.

We’ve seen this in how Esperanza cheers on and encourages members and friends who are going through the seminary education process, working to become pastors in other communities away from Esperanza. Seeing these gifted members grow through the support and love of this community – and then continue their journey elsewhere – has been truly an encouraging experience. It’s an incredible blessing to be able to support someone in how they grow in their faith, knowing that that journey will continue elsewhere. It’s also fun to hear stories of members heading up to Sedona to visit Vicar Julie as she continues to develop her skills as a pastor and leader in the church. I know she is well supported by this community, and will continue to be loved and prayed for as she continues to her next chapter in ministry.

But it’s not just those who are exploring careers as ordained ministers that experience this blessing. We’ve also encouraged people to find new ways to make connections and serve in our neighborhood. We’ve invited people to join in the work of feeding the homeless, provide school supplies to disadvantaged youth, offer encouraging words to people who need them, and more. We’ve invited both members and non-members to hone their musical gifts and leadership abilities in worship, knowing that those gifts will most likely continue to blossom in other settings as these often young members move on to their next ventures in life.

All these acts of encouragement happen because Esperanza is a place that celebrates the authentic gifts and passions of the community we are all a part of. I’m excited to see what new gifts continue to bubble to the surface in the months and years ahead in this community. And as we look to how we might encourage one another to lean into the gifts and passions they have, I invite each of you to continue to be people of hope, offering kindness and generosity to all who look to find the gifts they have to serve God and one another.

Pastor Chris