Pastor Chris
As we enter into the season of Lent, we’re blessed to experience a time of intentional devotion and prayer. One of the things that many of us at Esperanza will be praying for over the next several weeks is to discern who has a passion and gifts to share to help further the ministry of Esperanza in the years to come.
Although we’ve barely crossed into March, now is the time when the leadership of Esperanza, specifically our nominating committee, commit to the work of identifying potential candidates to serve on church council and to be a part of future nominating committees. This year, the nominating committee is looking for four new council members to serve, as well as four “at large” members of the congregation to join two of the outgoing council members on the nominating committee.
If you’re unfamiliar with the term, Esperanza’s nominating committee is made up of congregation members who are able to become familiar with the needs of the congregation to help identify individuals who would be faithful stewards of the congregation to fill positions on the church council (and sometimes other constitutionally required committees), helping guide the business and mission of the church. Typically, being on the nominating committee is a one-year commitment.
Serving on church council is an important part of being a member of a congregation. Esperanza is blessed to have several gifted members of the congregation serve on the council, but we know that there are more blessings hiding in our pews! Often, to be a council member is considered a serious responsibility – and it is, but it is also a source of joy and fellowship. If you’re curious what it looks like to be a member of the church council at Esperanza, speak to one of our existing council members. They’d love to tell you about it!
I truly believe that God has given us exactly what we need to continue to guide Esperanza into the next 35 years of ministry. Perhaps that includes you. I invite you to prayerfully consider ways that you might be able to get involved in the work of Esperanza. If you’re interested in learning more about the church council or the nominating committee, please don’t hesitate to contact us at the church office.
Pastor Chris