At the beginning of this week, as we celebrated our 35th anniversary – and even before then – the idea of God’s light shining in and among us was prevalent in our celebration. As we walked across the bridge from Monte Vista Elementary to our present Esperanza campus, with founding pastor Dave Risendal leading us in singing “This Little Light of Mine,” I noticed the joy on many faces of longtime members, as well as many of the youth that joined the procession as well. During worship, Pastor Tina Mills, who joined the newly forming Esperanza as a teenager, shared scripture and testimony speaking to how God’s light has shone and continues to shine through Esperanza. And as Deacon Connie and Pastor Dave led our kids in another rendition of “This Little Light,” holding tea lights to drive the point home, I realized that the light of God found in Esperanza does indeed shine far and wide in our community and world.
Not only has that light shone for 35 years in the Ahwatukee area, that light has shone wherever people who have been touched by Esperanza have traveled. I’ve heard stories of missions in Mexico. We’ve seen nearly 30 years of Habitat for Humanity projects. There’s food shared both locally and internationally through our mission partners. All these are evidence of God’s light shining through the work that we do at and through Esperanza. But where the light truly shines is in the lives of those who have walked through the doors of our community. It’s apparent that Esperanza has had a strong impact on the lives of members and visitors, because the joy that is shared and the heart for compassion and service that is expressed is apparent through the actions of these people. Through the Holy Spirit’s work at Esperanza, there is so much to celebrate – so much light that has shone throughout the years. So how are you going to continue to let that light shine?
How is it that the light of God’s love revealed through Esperanza shines through you today? How can people sense that you are transformed in God’s love in your everyday encounters? I think it begins with the kindness and joy that is present in knowing God’s love. I think it begins with us realizing the blessings that we have in Christ Jesus, and knowing that those gifts are meant to be shared with the world.
I don’t know exactly what it looks like for you, but today is another day that God’s light and joy are available to you, meant to shine brightly. So today, I’m going to close with the charge that I get the privilege to make as I conclude a service of baptism, where we have all been claimed by the light and love of God: “Let your light so shine before others, so that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father in heaven.”
Here’s to an amazing 35 years. May we continue to shine God’s light for years to come.
Pastor Chris