Your belief that God still has plans for our congregation is evident as you are declaring your generosity! So far we have received 46 pledges (77% of goal) toward our goal of 60. Our puzzle is shaping up…come and see what we are doing in the narthex and visiting our puzzle.
If you haven’t yet responded, please mail your card today or complete our online form at Your generosity will make a tremendous difference as we seek to strengthen our ministry. Remember, when we have received 60 pledges, our puzzle of our church home will be complete. All pieces are the same size, all pledges are valuable and needed.
Our stewardship team has been making phone calls, emails and personal contacts this week. Please return your pledge this coming week.
Report of fall stewardship commitments will be made November 27th.
Thank you all for your participation. I’m enjoying the stories and the journey.
Linda Dickson