Here’s the latest from Mrs. H on Children of the Hope Child Development Center


We are doing it, parents! We are getting through a pandemic together!

I am thankful for these hours at school when life can be a little “normal.” The comfort of our routine and familiarity and schedule gives me peace. The moments we get to spend with these kiddos gives us such appreciation. They say and do some amazing things!

The pandemic continues to cancel our plans, infect our loved ones and upset our world. But we are doing it We are getting through it together. I hope that by having your children here it has given you some peace as well. It has certainly been good and joyful medicine for us!

We are looking forward to meeting in person this month as we share your child’s progress with you at Parent/Teacher Conferences. The growth during these years is so remarkable. We can’t wait to brag on your child and share what we see every day!

Registration for the 2022-23 school year will begin following conferences. Enrollment packets will be shared soon. If you return your packet by February 28, you will be guaranteed a spot.

I will begin accepting enrollments from new families on March 1.

We so value our relationships with you and hope you will continue to share your child with us next year. We do not take this responsibility lightly and promise that we will continue to provide the best environment where your child can learn, explore and thrive under the expert care of my loving teachers.

Happy February, everyone! Let us go and love.

— Lynn Hockenberger, Preschool Director



February 22-24. Sign-up links are on Brightwheel.

Mrs. H will watch your child on the playground during your conference at no charge.

Regular Lunch Bunch also will be available and regular rates will apply for those not in conferences.



By Monday, February 28 for current families! Enrollment packets available soon!



At Esperanza, as Jesus did, we welcome children of all ages as integral members of the body of Christ, and we welcome the sounds and activity that accompany them!

One option for families is the new PrayGround, located in the Sanctuary. This area is designed for young children to quietly engage in age-appropriate activities while experiencing worship in the Sanctuary along with their families. See Pastor Annemarie and/or Deacon Connie for more info!



  • February 15: Ducklings.
  • February 16: Penguins.
  • February 17: Butterflies.

11:10 a.m. in the Sanctuary.

Parents: We invite you to be a part of Family Chapel Time!

Please join us where you will sit on the floor with your child in your lap and participate in monthly Family Chapel Time with Deacon Connie, Pastor Annemarie, and Mrs. H.

If a parent cannot attend, no worries, we will take great care of your children and keep them happy and engaged.

Children: Wear your school shirt.

February Songs:

  • Bugs for Lunch.
  • My God is So Big.

Lesson: Fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness & John the Baptist.

Galatians 5:22-23.



Lunch Bunch offers our students opportunities for additional socialization through mealtime, extended activities and play. We provide a safe, nurturing place where the children can eat lunch with their peers, while learning to manage and clean up their own space.

With the company of our supportive teachers, Lunch Bunch kiddos can acclimate to a longer school day, can make mistakes (such as spills) and be helped to fix them  and can gain confidence and independence.

Lunch Time is very fast in elementary school and here at Hope we believe in providing Lunch Bunch as an opportunity for our students to practice the “soft skills” needed for kindergarten success.

Lunch Bunch is available daily. The sign up book is outside of Mrs. H’s office.

Pick up at 12:30 p.m.: $10.

Pick up at 1:30 p.m.: $15.

Pick up at 2 p.m.: $20.

Must be enrolled in 3’s or Pre-K.

Not available to our Toddler Class due to diapering/licensing issues.

NO LUNCH BUNCH on Thursday, February 10, due to staff meeting.




Fun Friday

Friday, February 11, 8:30-11:30 a.m. is for Penguin and Butterfly students.

Send Mrs. H a message on Brightwheel to let her know if your child will join Mrs. Johnson & Mrs. Gerrish for this extra day of Valentine Fun!

Penguins and Butterflies: $30.


From Early Childhood Research Quarterly on attention-span persistence:

Attention-span persistence at age 4 and later educational outcomes were examined.

► Age 4 attention-span persistence predicted math and reading achievement at age 21.

► Age 4 attention-span persistence predicted college completion by age 25.

► Relations were mostly direct and not fully mediated by early math or reading.

► Strong attention-span persistence predicted 49 percent greater odds of completing college.

So what can you do?

Practice focus: The explosion of device use has definitely caused all sorts of problems with focus in children and adults. There is an instant gratification to screens that makes it hard to put them aside and focus on less-stimulating tasks. Now, more than ever, it’s important to:

  • Enforce screen-free time, even if they complain (parents need to abide by this, too).
  • Have the materials on hand to make or build things. Find projects that will take an hour or two. Do it with them!
  • Read print books out loud together, including chapter books. Having to picture things themselves rather than seeing it on a screen helps children learn to focus.
  • Play board games, such as Candy Land, Chutes & Ladders and Trouble.



Podcast: Kindergarten Readiness

Episode 5: Kindergarten Readiness is Life Readiness

This episode of the Parentz Pod may change how you think about preparing for kindergarten.

Dr. Isela Garcia explains that, based on our current understanding of early brain development, kindergarten readiness not about memorizing letters and numbers. It’s about things like language, social skills, persistence and the ability to work well with others. So what can parents do to help their child develop skills and abilities they’ll need? Kindergarten Readiness, Episode 5 provides guidance.



August 30, 2019: First Things First.

Even though your baby can’t use words yet, having little back-and-forth conversations is the best way you can help them learn and develop language. Responding to your child with words, conversation and attention makes a big, positive impact on their learning and healthy development.

As their brain develops — incredibly fast in their early days, months and years — they learn by hearing words from you and when you respond back to their sounds, gestures and expressions. These kind of interactions — called “serve and return” in child development lingo — help build strong, healthy brain connections. So find a couple of minutes during your day to talk with your baby. Look for opportunities to return their serve or start a rally yourself. It’s easy to do, and it’s a lot of fun.

Click here for YouTube video.