Help Jackson Winslow with his Esperanza Eagle Scout Project Celebrating our 35th Anniversary

graphicTroop 278 Scout Jackson Winslow is diligently working on his Eagle Scout Project that will help Esperanza Celebrate its 35th Anniversary on Sunday, February 23, 2025. Jackson needs to raise over $2,000.00 for this worthy project. Please prayerfully consider donating to this worthy cause to memorialize our passion and dedication to HOPE and the future of our many ministries.

Important Project Dates (subject to change): 

Sunday, January 5, 2025 – Moving Rocks from Garden of Eatin’ Shed to Courtyard

2nd Week of January – HOPE sign will be delivered and installed 

Sunday, February 2nd and Saturday, February 8th travertine installation and bridge building 

For more information on Jackson’s project commemorating Esperanza’s 35th Click Here

For more information on the 35th Anniversary Celebration – Sunday, February 23, 2025 Click Here