Help Hungry Schoolchildren in Kyrene With Food-Bag Drive

The school year has begun, and some children in the Kyrene School District are coming to class in the morning hungry, struggling to focus on learning.

The Kyrene Family Resource Center, which has had a longtime partnership with Esperanza, is responding to the need by packing a Weekend Food Bag for these children. The bags are provided to children in need on Fridays.

Food items could include any of the following:

  • Individual crackers
  • Microwavable mac and cheese
  • Microwavable Chef Boyardee
  • Microwavable ramen noodles
  • Microwavable cup of soup
  • Breakfast cereal
  • Granola bars
  • Applesauce or fruit cup (KFRC prefers that these be a single serving, and a suggestion would be to purchase these single-serving containers in bulk at Costco)

KFRC will pack the food in bags. You can place donations in the shopping cart in the Fellowship Hall at church.

For questions, please contact Larry Hanson at (480) 231-4023 or [email protected].