A group of people in a room

Choir to Perform Cantata ‘Song of the Shadows’ for Good Friday on March 29th, 2024

The church’s adult choir, Promesa de Esperanza, will perform the cantata “Song of the Shadows” as part of the Good Friday worship service at 7 p.m. Friday, March 29, 2024. “Song of the Shadows,” composed by Joseph Martin, with narration by Pamela Martin, was chosen by Esperanza choir director, Kazin Cole, from the various Tenebrae selections in the Esperanza music library. The work will run about 30 minutes.

“Song of the Shadows” is a representation of the earthly life of Christ, which began in the shadows. By the flickering of a candle flame in a rugged stable, the Light of the World delivered himself into our darkness. There will be selections reflecting on the shadow of ancient temples, where Christ preached “let there be light,” the shadow of an upper room, where he experienced betrayal, and the midnight of Gethsemane, where we see Christ himself struggling with the lengthening shadows of life. Past Pilate’s court we see Jesus walk through the valley of the shadow of death as he embraces the cross.

The choir invites the congregation to walk with them for a while in the shadow of the cross. Through the journey we find comfort in knowing wherever there are shadows, there is also light.

Promesa de Esperanza has about 20 members, several of whom have a music background, and many participate in, or have been a part of various community choirs throughout the east valley.

Cole, who grew up in a nondenominational church and is also choral director at Mountain Pointe High School, says Esperanza is a congregation that loves to sing!

A man standing in front of a building
Kazin Cole